• Paris Museum Pass
    Locais culturais e históricos
    Para toda a família
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    Paris Museum Pass
    € 8,00
    por pessoa

O que você vai fazer

Come and explore this fantastic research institute that presents the importance of the Arab world and its cultural and spiritual values

Visit the Museum of Arab History with The Paris Pass®

  • You can visit this attraction with the digital Paris Museum Pass. Please download it before you visit!
  • Discover the cultural bridge between France and the Arab world within this striking modernist building
  • Temporary exhibitions showcasing the Arab world's contribution to culture

Five hundred works on display here explore the history of the Arab civilization and illustrate a number of sophisticated techniques: bronzes, ceramics, paneling, textiles, scientific objects, illuminations, etc.

The collections are endowed with a number of important loans from several Arabic countries.

Saiba antes de ir

Please note: this attraction is available as part of the digital Paris Museum Pass, which is included with your Go City All-Inclusive Pass. Please download it before you visit!

For the full list of attractions on the digital Paris Museum Pass, please visit our information page.

For more information visit the Museum of Arab History website.


Map of location of attraction

1 rue des Fossés-Saint-Bernard, Place Mohammed V, Paris, FR

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Horário de funcionamento

Tuesday - Friday: 10AM - 6PM

Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: 10AM - 7PM

Opening and closing times may change. For updated timings, please check the attraction website.

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